[English follows Japanese]
2023年が始まりました。旧年中のサファイアの取り組みにご理解とご参加を感謝申し上げます。皆様のご健康とご多幸を心よりお祈り申し上げます。私たちはこれからもチャレンジャーとして 精一杯努力してまいります。本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
さて 今年4月、サファイアは新しい教育の形をご提案いたします。
テーマ:Nothing without learning
☆プログラミング、データサイエンスなど2025年度の新大学入試も視野に入れながら、これからを生きる人に必須の学び’informatics'(情報教育)と英検, TEAP, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFLなどの実用英語を双方向型オンラインで学べるコースがスタートします。
I-PEece (あいぴーす)
[ Informatics & Practical English education centre ]
さて、昨年3年ぶりに再開した海外交流プログラムは健在です。オーストラリア・ゴールドコーストで行われていた研修先は オーストラリアのほかの都市に広がります。午前が学校体験、午後がスポーツなどのアクティビティの内容です。参加ご希望の方は本ウェブサイト「お申込み」ページ(オーストラリア2023夏季研修)に登録してください。優先情報をお知らせします。
対象は新中学1年生~新高校1年生(2007年4月2日-2011年4月1日生)なお プログラムページでの公開は3月1日です。
To all those who have opened this page.
The year 2023 has begun. We thank you for your understanding and participation in Sapphire’s initiatives during the past year. We wish you good health and happiness. We will continue to work as hard as we can as Challengers. We look forward to working with you again this year.
This April, Sapphire is proposing a new education.
Theme: Nothing without learning
☆In Japan, the university entrance examination system will change significantly from 2025. One of these changes is the addition of ‘information education’ programming. Another is that English speaking ability will be emphasised.
With a view to the new university entrance examinations in 2025, such as programming and data science, this interactive online course will focus on ‘informatics’ (information education) and practical English on Eiken, TEAP, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL and so on. The course will start with an interactive online course.
[ Informatics & Practical English education centre ]
You only need an internet environment and a device to start. The course is open to high school sophomores and above. Registration on the new website will open around March.
Now, the overseas exchange programme, which resumed last year after a three-year absence, is alive and well. The destination, which used to be Gold Coast, Australia, will now be expanded to other Australian cities. The programme consists of school experiences in the mornings and sports and other activities in the afternoons. If you would like to participate, please register on the ‘Apply’ page of this website (Australia 2023 Summer Camp). Priority information will be provided.
The programme is open to new junior high school students and high school students (2 April 2007 – 1 April 2011) and will be available on the programme page from 1 March.
Global Understanding through Education
Sapphire and I-PEece are a member of diverse network of educators from about 20 countries. Our mission is to promote a wide range of cooperation, exchange, research, and education possibilities. We seek and cooperate with partners in education all over the globe, and we look forward to seeing you at our next step!