

NEWSLETTER #11 産地直送と海外研修プログラム

投稿日:2023年3月12日 更新日:

【English follows Japanese】

















With the increasing need for food safety, direct delivery from the place of origin has become the focus of attention in a variety of industries, including food and beverage and retail.

However, few people may have an accurate grasp of its benefits.

Direct-to-production means cutting out the middleman between producers and consumers in food distribution.

There are cases where consumers buy directly from producers, and cases where retailers and restaurants purchase directly from producers and provide to consumers, with no traders in between, allowing them to trade quality produce at low prices.

There are several advantages of direct delivery from the place of production.
➀ High level of safety.
(ii) Cost-cutting.
(iii) Freshness
(iv) Improved brand image.

This is similar to overseas training and homestay programmes.

Think of the ‘consumer’ as the participant and the ‘producer’ as the local school/host family.

‘Consumers buying products directly from producers’ might be doable for individuals. However, this is only possible if there is a personal connection with the local school/family. Impossible.

In many cases, and this may be the case with your school, the programme content is effectively proposed by the local ‘intermediary’ through a Japanese ‘middleman’. I am not saying that is a bad thing. It would be easier to understand if you think of the Sapphire Exchange Centre as a ‘retail shop or restaurant’, so to speak. You can buy directly from them. We are proactively involved in school selection and homestay programmes. This is why we are able to offer schools and host families to ‘consumers’ with confidence.

So where are the advantages? In the case of fresh food, it would first of all be cost-cutting. In education, quality and safety are the first things to be mentioned. ‘Consumers’ are rightly concerned about the kind of education that is provided and the kind of family they come from.

We choose Australian schools for a number of reasons, one of which is the quality of education. …The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has a range of statistical data on its member countries. In its overall ranking of education, the World Education Standard Rankings, Australia was ranked second only to Finland as of June 2022 (Japan was ranked 14th out of 41 countries).

Australia also systematically strengthens its sports. Even in sports that used to be minor sports in Australia, such as football and baseball, we have established training schools and invited coaches from overseas. As you know, these efforts have led to good results in various competitions in recent years.

Sharing quality education, learning and having fun with people from different languages and cultures is a great pleasure and benefit not only for the participants as consumers, but also for the providers.

However, direct delivery from the place of origin is not all advantages. The main disadvantages of direct delivery from the place of production are.
➀It takes time and effort to find producers.
(ii) It takes time and effort to maintain stable quality.
(iii) Time-consuming to manage prices, quantities and deliveries.
However, these are taken care of by us, the ‘retailers’. ‘Consumers’ only enjoy the benefits.


We have introduced direct delivery from the place of production and its advantages and disadvantages.

Our centre has been organising overseas training and homestay programmes, incorporating the concept of direct delivery from the place of production, but when it comes to international exchange, Japan to overseas alone is not equal, is it? That is why we are planning an Australia to Japan programme for the first time this December. We hope you will understand and join one of our movements.
