
【予告】2019-2020ラファナダル・テニスアカデミーin スペイン開催決定

投稿日:2019年9月16日 更新日:

サファイアでは、この冬、初めてRafa Nadal Academy(スペイン・マヨルカ島マナコル)での国際テニスキャンプを開催します。


2016 年新設ながら世界2大テニスアカデミーの1つとされ、主に10~18才までの男女が米国式インターナショナルスクールで学ぶと同時に、将来プロや大学レベルでプレーする為のトレーニングを積める場所として、ラファ・ナダル自身により故郷のマナコルに設立され、現在は彼の元コーチかつ叔父であるトニ・ナダルもコーチ兼テクニカルチームの一員として運営に携わっています。また、トーナメントの合間にラファ・ナダル自身がトレーニングをすることでも知られています(運が良ければ会えるかも!)。短期から通年のプログラムが用意され、国際色豊かなジュニアプレーヤー達とキャンパス内で生活を共にし、国際感覚を養える場ともなっています。





[English Version]

‘Sapphire’ will host an international tennis camp at Rafa Nadal Academy (Manacor, Mallorca, Spain) for the first time this winter.

The conditions for participation, tour fee, period (2-week course and 3-week course), capacity, etc. will be announced around September 24.

Rafa Nadal Academy is one of the world’s two largest tennis academies that was established in 2016, and is a place where men and women from 10 to 18 years old learn at an American-style international school and at the same time gain training for professional and university-level training. Nadal himself founded in his hometown Manacor, and his former coach and uncle Toni Nadal is also involved in management as a coach and member of the technical team.
Rafa Nadal is also known to train himself between tournaments (you may meet if you are lucky!). A short-term to full-year program is provided, and it is a place where international junior players can live together on campus and develop an international sense.

The school has a full range of tennis training, mental training, and nutrition programs, and provides a place to learn under the guidance of a team of coaches, physical trainers, physical therapists, psychologists, and doctors.

One of the reasons ’Sapphire’ pushes this academy is its policy and the personality of its founder Rafa Nadal. This appears in the congratulations he gave at the graduation ceremony in June this year.

“First, I want to congratulate 29 graduates and celebrate you. I don’t like to give advice to others, but I want to tell you one thing. Put yourself in good people. This is the most important thing. I am convinced that with such people, life can be happier, simpler and better. ”

I do hope that many tennis players who have dreams will take part in this program.


