

投稿日:2024年8月14日 更新日:

《English follows Japanese》
西オーストラリア州パース駅から電車で北へ40分の所にAlkimos- Eglinton地区がある。州政府が新都心として開発を進めているこの地域は東京ドーム150個分の広さを誇る。この一角に5年前新設されたのが、今回Sapphire Study Tour第2陣・16人が学校体験している州立Alkimos Collegeである。滞在の締めくくりとして計画してきた、日本の伝統と現代の文化を発表するイベントが、たまたま新施設「パフォーマンス・アート・ホール」のこけら落としとなる。

まずは、オープニング、HR君(早稲田高等学校1年)が、オーストラリア・シドニー出身の俳優ヒュー・ジャックマンが、ミュージカル映画The Greatest Showmanで演じたダンスを披露する。ジャックマンはシドニー工科大学を卒業後、面白さに目覚めた演劇の技をこのパース市内にあるEdith Cowan大学の演劇学校で磨いた、パースとも縁のあるハリウッド俳優である。



この日の会場には、Alkimos Collegeのプログラムに参加者16人のバディ、ホストファミリーの皆さん、その他日本文化に関心のある学校生徒・教職員の皆さんが参加することになっている。

The Alkimos-Eglinton precinct is located 40 minutes north of Perth train station in Western Australia. This area, which is being developed by the State Government as a new city centre, boasts an area 150 times the size of Tokyo Dome. Alkimos College was established five years ago in this area, and the second group of 16 participants in the Sapphire Study Tour is now experiencing the school. The event planned for the end of their stay, a presentation of traditional and contemporary Japanese culture, happened to be the inauguration of the new facility, the Performance Arts Hall.

The dance will be performed by HR (1st year, Waseda High School), who will perform the dance performed by Hugh Jackman, an actor from Sydney, Australia, in the musical film The Greatest Showman. Jackman is a Hollywood actor with ties to Perth, having graduated from the University of Technology Sydney and honed his theatre skills at Edith Cowan University’s drama school here in Perth, where he found it interesting.

Karate will be performed on stage by KK (4th year at Kaiyo Academy), who won the Shotokan-ryu Kata competition in 2024, beating a host of strong competitors in the 2nd and 3rd grades.

Kendo was well received by a school in Coffs Harbour (NSW) on Australia’s east coast last year. OK (Kaiyo Academy, Year 3), who is also taking part this year, may have a secret plan to get the audience involved, adding an explanation in English to his performance against KK, who is also a member of the kendo club.

The venue for the day will be the 16 buddies of the participants in the Alkimos College programme, their host families, and other school students and staff interested in Japanese culture.

