センター長の挨拶Welcome from the Chairperson


サファイア青少年グローバル交流センターが目指しているのは単に英語が上手になることがゴールではありません。様々な背景を背負った皆さんが、ともに英語を媒体として好きな分野でお互いに夢中になって助け合ったり、競い合っているうちに「目から鱗が・・・」の毎日、今まで経験したことがない何か不思議な気持の高まりを共有することです。英語で言うと ’chemistry’。いつのまにか英語でのコミュニケーションはもちろん、無理なく、自然にいわゆる「国際感覚」が少し身についてしまっているというようにプログラムされています。


世界はますますボーダーレスになり、物事がグローバルに進んで行く時代です。 思い切って未知の世界に踏み出してみませんか。

The goal of Sapphire Youth Global Exchange Centre is not simply going to be good at English.
We carry a variety of backgrounds, and we feel as if the scales fell from my eyes while getting absorbed and helping each other or competing with each other, using English as a medium in favourite fields. We share the growing mysterious feelings which we have ever experienced.In English it's 'chemistry'.
It is programmed that we have become acquired a little not only communication in English, but also so-called "international feeling" reasonably and naturally before knowing it.
Our members are a group of experienced teachers from elementary school through university.

Our members are a group of experienced teachers from elementary school through university.

1)will do English language training beforehand and learning of the area to visit carefully for happy exchanges.
2)confirm thoroughly the pleasant stay and safety by having the staff go to the site in advance, discussing closely the program and preparing for it with the host institution.
3)prepare for a special program after returning home so that the circle of exchanges will be expanded without having overseas training only at that time.
Now the world becomes increasingly borderless and it is an era when things go globally. Why do not you step into the unknown world?


サファイア青少年グローバル交流センターについてAbout Sapphire



アンスクーリングには、'self-directed learning'(自発的な学習)という哲学があります。その哲学のもと、人が何を学びたいかをすべて自分で決めて、どのように学ぶかも決めます。すべて自分で決めるというアイディアです。






Do you know the Movement of Unschooling Instruction spreading over the world?

Learning is based at home without going to school is completely different from the "home classroom instruction" which indicates how to learn. It's the connection with the society that it's emphasized most in the "Unschooling Instruction" I say here. It's very important to touch the whole society as well as the connection with a family and the same grades to learn.

There is philosophy as 'self-directed learning' (voluntary learning) in Unschooling Instruction. It's also decided for oneself completely with the one of the philosophy what a person would like to learn, and it's also decided how to learn. The idea that everything is decided for oneself.

Unschoolers (the role as which a person is trained even if he keeps the distance from school,) decide which is the best response, that information is where or that you should look where, and "response" isn't told. High autonomy is desired.

One between the people with the various ability will do the collaboration rate by the respective needs and learn through a project by a community. It's also learning to make a group and a project for 1 of interest.

When he belongs to a community with the age, the gender and the various difference in the nationalities, a person notices himself knowing nothing. A person for so I know my ability.

When it's possible to know oneself, I think how should that it connect with a person or how does that it work when communicating, by myself and learn next. A person is growing via such process.

To support the person who asks learning as Unschooling Instruction Centre which will propose various exchange projects to from a schoolchild to a member of society, our centre was established by a volunteer group of a "scholastic" person with experience in 2016. I should be very much obliged if you can also have many persons approve this movement by yourself.

会長(センター長) 四方義啓[名古屋大学名誉教授]
代表理事(事務局長) 白拍子新[元早稲田中学・高等学校教諭、元海陽中等教育学校教諭]



