《English follows Japanese.》
>>> 一人ひとりが豊かな個性を発揮し、チーム一丸となって、希望に満ちあふれた明日をデザインし、変革を導くために <<<
What is really happening in the world?
>>> In order for each person to demonstrate their rich individuality, to work as a team to design a future full of hope, and to lead change <<<
The true leader of the future will be required to have "future vision" above all. We will provide an interactive workshop so that you can enjoy learning the "first step" to understand the movements of the world, while incorporating the latest topics such as [FACTFULNESS] and [GEOPOLITICS].
申込期限 | 2021年02月13日 |
開催期間 | 2021年2月14日 |
対象 | 満14歳~大学生 |
定員 | 20(予定)人 |
費用 | 2回目から2,000円(初回参加体験無料) |
《English follows Japanese》
https://youtu.be/tKbpwoyAdfk (「オンラインサロン」のご案内)
*Sorry for only Japanese!
- 将来国際的に活躍したい方
- 学校教育での実践がむずかしいカリキュラム外プログラムを身につけたい方
- 似たような興味のある参加者との繋がりを求めている方
➡︎第3回は「和魂洋才」と題して、武士道(新渡戸稲造)vs 米国陸軍式ルール(Colin Powell パウエル元・米国務長官)を取り上げ、参加者とのインタラクティ
さらには、ヒラリー、AOC、メルケル etc. 女性リーダーに見る次世代リーダーシップのあり方を 世界で最も影響力のあるファッション誌’VOGUE’の記事も織り交ぜながら進めていきたいと思っています。
19:00 終了・閉幕
・メールアドレス のほか
*ビジネス経験 22 年。欧米外資系企業での勤務が大半を占めており、現場第一線で、英語ベースでの業務経験が豊富。論理的分析力、現場での丁寧なコミュニケーションに根ざした情報収集力を活かし、緻密なレポーティングに定評。
【Organizer】Sapphire Youth Global Exchange Centre
& Sapphire Online Terakoya
Sunday, 14th February, 2021
16:00 Opening* You can enter the room at 15:45.
➡︎ It will start on time, so please enter it by 15:55 and wait.
★Keynote Theme “Leadership | What is the key to achieving this?”
“Western learning with Japanese spirit”
bushido, Japanese chivalry: the spirit of the samurai, Nitobe Inazo vs US Army rules (Colin Powell・Former US Secretary of State)…I’ll take up this topic and attempt an interactive dialogue with the participants.
19:00 Closing address / Closing
【How to participate in this event】
* Please fill in the following mandatory items from our centre application form!
・your name (お名前)
・your e-mail address (メールアドレス)
・Course you would like to attend (ご参加希望のコース)
Check (岡嶋拓也オンラインサロン)
In [Free entry field 自由記入欄]
・ school name (university students also have its faculty name) and grade
[Organizer: Mr. Takuya Okajima]
* After working for IT consulting, investment banking, internet shopping, automobile finance company, satellite broadcasting TV station, audit corporation, etc., established a consulting company in 2017 and became the representative.
* 22-year business experience. Most of the work is done at foreign-affiliated companies in Europe and the United States, and he has abundant work experience based on English at the front line of the field. Utilizing the ability to collect information rooted in logical analysis and polite communication in the field, it has a good reputation for precise reporting.
* Under the slogan of “valuing what is important,” we will create strategies to approach the realization of dreams, provide business reform support focusing on IT, financial accounting, and systems, as well as corporate training, English conversation, and exam preparation (middle and high schools). / Employment), etc., focusing on human resource development and development support.
* Special skill: Playing the piano.
Hobbies: Walking in the mountains, playing in the sea, darts, watching tennis.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Hitotsubashi University. (1997) https://www.hit-u.ac.jp/eng/