

投稿日:2021年8月16日 更新日:

海外の小中学生と同じテーマで絵を描いて合評会(がっぴょうかい)をしませんか?合評会とは作品に対して批評し合うのことです。 作品に対して感じたこと、魅力、意見などを率直に出し合います。英語で行いますが、サポート役の大学生もいるので心配は無用。新しい自分を発見しませんか?

*世界的にアートに対する考え方がとても重視されてきています。教育の世界で最近耳にする「STEAM教育」。これはヨーロッパから広がっています。Science (科学), Technology(技術),  Engineering(工学), Mathematics(数学)、それにArt(芸術)が加わります。今回の東京五輪でもドローンやAI技術にArtが随所に見られましたね。ヨーロッパでは北欧をはじめ年少からアート教育が盛んです。


Would you like to participate in a critique session with elementary and junior high school students from overseas on the same theme? A critique group is a group of people who critique each other’s work. You will be able to share your feelings, attractions, and opinions about the work. It will be held in English, but don’t worry, there will be university students to support you. Why don’t you discover something new about yourself?

In the world, the concept of art is becoming more and more important. In the world of education, we hear about “STEAM education” these days. It includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Art. In the Tokyo Olympics, Art was seen everywhere in the drone and AI technologies. In Europe, art education is popular from an early age, including in Northern Europe.

In Europe, art education is popular from an early age, including in Scandinavia. We hope you will join us. If you would like to attend, please fill out the form on the “Application Page” and send it to us. We will send you the details by email.


【説明会日時】日本時間 8月22日(日)19:00~20:00

   Theme: Imaginary Zoo 


ART EDUCATION (Japanese, English)


How to participate: You can participate from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and a communication device.

[使用言語] 日本語(一部英語での解説があります)
Language: Japanese (Partly English)

[講師] 瀬永能雅先生(名古屋芸術大学)
Instructor: Mr Takamasa Senaga (Nagoya University of the Art)
