
とびらを開く 海外留学


投稿日:2024年3月11日 更新日:

(English follows Japanese.)


その理由としては、1.比較的治安が良い 2.日本との時差が小さい 3.国民がフレンドリーである、などがあります。


*ホームステイというのは、現地の家庭に滞在することというのはほとんどの方がご存知のことだと思いますが、それにも大まかに分けてボランティアホームステイとペイイングホームステイ(paying homestay)の2通りがあります。ここでは、オーストラリアのホームステイに多く見られる滞在中にかかる費用を支払うペイイングホームステイについてお話しします。(*学校間の交換留学のホームステイや寄宿学校を除きます)





Australia is one of the most popular overseas study destinations, along with the English-speaking USA and Canada.

Reasons for this include: 1. relatively safe 2. small time difference from Japan 3. friendly people.

The most common question asked about studying abroad is “I’m worried about the homestay”.

*Most people know that homestay means staying with a local family, but there are two main types of homestay: volunteer homestay and paid homestay. This section discusses paying homestay, which is the most common type of homestay in Australia, where you pay for the cost of your stay. (*excluding exchange homestays and inter-school boarding).

Some people may think that paying for a homestay is like paying for boarding, but Sapphire Homestay is for secondary school students. Unlike university students, this means that the host family will treat you as their ‘child’. Dinners, holidays and other activities are done together because you are in the same house. In essence, you behave like the family. They receive a fee for the homestay, but Sapphire asks host families participating in Sapphire’s programmes to have a spirit of volunteerism. I believe that the fact that we have many repeat and sibling participants in Sapphire’s programmes is proof that we have kept to this point.

I’m currently in the process of inviting student families to participate in the same way as last year, initially through the visiting schools. In addition, our local coordinator has been promoting the importance of host families throughout the year and we are asking those who support this to become host families.

There are normally two people per Sapphire host family, but it is possible for one person to stay with a family, depending on their level of English. Please discuss this with us when you apply.

Next time I will talk about why Western Australia.



