*English follows Japanese
(sheet1日本語、sheet2 英語)
さて、今回は、オーストラリアからスタッフとして参加された、ナターシャ・キテフスキ先生の’10 Benefits of Learning Another Language’の「講演」もありました。日本語を含む10か国語を流ちょうに操る先生の話には説得力がありました。
また今回のテーマが’Fun O-Lympics’だったことから招かれた、東京オリンピック柔道100kg級パキスタン代表Shah Hussain Shah(シャー・フセイン・シャー)選手との交流がありました。「無観客」となった日本武道館には行けませんが、リトアニアと日本のみなさんが応援しています。東京オリンピックでのご活躍をお祈りいたします。
最後に当センター理事・野口和喜子が閉会の辞を参加者に届けました。 (スピーチ英文は下段に)
We received frank impressions from the questionnaires to elementary and junior high school students in Japan and Lithuania who finished their first talk session.
*Lithuania & Japan Answers ☞リトアニア&日本回答
(sheet1日本語、sheet2 English)
For Lithuanian children, it seems that there is still a lack of information about the situation in Japan and it remains unsatisfactory. I feel that this event should not end in a single shot.
For Lithuanian children, it seems that there is still a lack of information about the situation in Japan and it remains unsatisfactory. I feel that this event should not end in a single shot.
Eight elementary and junior high school students who participated from Japan have some communication skills in English, but probably because they are not accustomed to English, the questions are still textbook-like, and the results of the questionnaire are superficial. I get the impression that there are many impressions. I have the impression that Lithuanian students are trying to understand Japan, but it is not enough. I think the participants feel the same way. I think that the leaders’ talks of each group after the talk session had a strong purpose of understanding different cultures.
However, everything has a beginning. There is a word, “*Koshi” in the story derived from China.
*Koshi…A long time ago, when started fighting in China, they shot a turnip arrow(an arrow that makes a sound when shot) at the enemy.
I think this is a talk session that will trigger that. We are planning a second program this autumn.
By the way, this time, there was also a lecture by Ms Natasha Kitevski’s ’10 Benefits of Learning Another Language’, which was attended as a staff member from Australia. Her lecture was convincing, because she can speak 10 languages fluenly, including Japanese.
In addition, there was an exchange with Shah Hussain Shah, the representative of Pakistan for the Tokyo Olympics Judo 100kg class, who was invited because the theme of this time was ’Fun O-Lympics’. I can’t go to the ‶non-audience” Nippon Budokan, but Lithuanians and Japanese people are supporting me. We wish you all the best in the Tokyo Olympics.
* Shah was educated from at a primary school and graduated from University of Tsukuba. He is a so-called trilingualist who speaks Japanese, Pakistan’s official language Urdu, and English.
Finally, Wakiko Noguchi, a director of this centre, delivered the closing address to the participants.
‶Did you have fun, everyone? I’m sure you did!
Now, here is our deep gratitude for the teachers of Vyturio Primary School, Lithuania, for your imagination and efforts to start and carry out this programme with us.
I was impressed and proud to see students from both countries fully enjoyed exchaging their thoughts.
I hope that this first step leads us to the next more enjoyable and fruitful step together.
Congratulations! And Labai ačiū(Thank you so much).”
https://youtu.be/_817rCveTsg(History & Language of Lithuania)https://youtu.be/qmH2hbC3doI (Pre-learning of Talk Session)