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(English follows Japanese)
「コンピュータ的思考」という語を耳にしたことがありますか?日本ではあまり馴染みのない語ですが 世界の小・中・高校ではこのComputing thinking (コンピュータ的思考)を鍛える学びが着実に広がっています。
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Have you ever heard the term “computing thinking”? Although it is a word that is not very familiar in Japan, learning to train this computing thinking is steadily spreading at primary and secondary schools around the world.
The first and important group that gives us this learning opportunity is an international initiative called the “Bebras Challenge”. According to the statistics of the implementing organization, the participants in 2019 are as follows.
Since it started in Europe about 15 years ago, European countries, especially France, Germany, and the UK, occupy the top ranks. The third-ranked UK (4 countries) has seen a rapid increase in the number of participants in this project since England became a compulsory subject of’Computing ‘in 2014. In addition, India, which ranked 4th, participated for the first time in 2018, but suddenly more than 130,000 people participated in it.
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Taiwan has the largest number of students in Asia, with 140,000. There are more than 40,000 students in South Korea, but the number of participants is increasing. Activities here in Japan started 10 years ago, …?
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